When it comes to quality pet products for pets, Four Paws has been committed to providing the best since 1970. With an extensive range of products from tie out cables for pet dogs to stain and odour removal, Four Paws promises to be a one stop BRAND for all your grooming and other pet accessories.
For pet grooming, Four paws carries an array of brushes for different pets of all sizes such as cats, rabbits and dogs of various species. All brushes are designed to reduce tangles and knots in your pets’ fur as well as remove dirt, dander and dust. This leaves the coat shiny and healthy and can be used on all fur lengths and types.
Besides pet grooming accessories, Four Paws also carries a product known as Brewer’s yeast that serves as natural daily supplements. These supplements are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and natural proteins to promote healthy coats and control shedding. In addition, each tablet contains garlic which is known to naturally deter fleas, thus helping to control shedding and skin conditions.